August 20, 2008

And the Oscar Goes to... - 06/28/08

Here are photos of the award winners at the banquet Saturday night.
Mike Maldonado - Most Changed
Joanie Curry (my sister's, sister-in-law - I know, small world!) - Least Changed, Female
Todd Lucas - Least Changed, Male
Guy Kailey - Least Hair
Keeley Montgomery - Most Grey Hair
Kevin Hanson - The Coolest Job! - He invented Post-Its! Just kidding he does the yellow line they use in televised football games. All the guys gave him a standing ovation!
Michelle Malloy - Married most number of times
Linda Nelson - Most Changed

Anne Lucas - Most kids
Todd Lucas - Traveled the furthest
Bill Sonneborn - Most Famous
Matt Smith - Longest Married
My Darling Brady - Biggest Beer Gut - I do have to say I think this is a bit unfair because it's not really beer, it's all the good cooking I do! It's a pasta gut. Now that's Italian!

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